Sunday, 8 February 2015

And we're back!!!

So it has been two years since our last post and a lot has happened! There was a wedding,we had a baby, it's all go! And now there is a new game...Space Thinger is Wytchlight's third game and our first using the Unity Engine. After two platform games we thought we should try something a little different. We started the project last year and although we got a lot done in very little time our efforts of late have been rather thwarted by a chicken pox plague! It wasn't pretty. No one had fun. That is all on that subject. Our space shooter as it stands at the moment is in the alpha stage. We have released a couple of videos on YouTube to give you a taster of what is to come. The next step in terms of production is to refine the space combat mechanics and start adding some actual levels. We are hoping to create a Glados style voiceover to act as a helping hand as you play the game. We are pretty sure there are tools available to get a good result but some research will need to be done first. If it works out though we'll have a lot of fun with that! There is no release date for the game at the moment but we are hoping to keep you updated so when that changes you'll be the first to know. We are hoping to release on PC initially and, as we are part of the ID@XBox program, console at a later date.
In other news D has been playing through the Halo Masterchief Collection on the XBox One. He is on Halo 3 and we are working on Halo 2 in co-op mode. I am slowly chipping away on Lego The Movie and my games are seriously piling up! Tomb Raider is high on our list for this year so I should probably get a shift on...

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